Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I'm in Love...

I'm in love...with a short little guy with wavy hair and the most beautiful set of lips I've ever kissed! His name is Jacob Grayson Faircloth, and he is my Grandson. He was born last Thursday at 8:16 p.m. in St. Augustine Florida. He weighed 8lbs. and is 19inches long and I am the happiest MiMi in the whole world!

I am in awe of my daughter, Lindsey. She is a tiny little petite thing and I can say now that I was so worried that she would have to have a C-section...especially with an 8lb.baby, but she was AMAZING. I got to be there for the entire labor and birth, and I can tell you first hand that this one was a true labor of love. The entire thing was calm and filled with laughter through the tears. Not a single voice was raised...although she did kinda knee me once, and she was so focused. Jason was her rock, and even when she snipped at him once, he never faltered and was exactly who she needed every step of the way. (Can you tell I love him dearly?) And his love for Lindsey and Grayson is so evident in him. I am blessed to have him as a son-in-law. I always knew it would take a very special man for me to trust my child to, and he is that man...am I rambling? Where was I?

(Eight centimeters before she would accept the epidural, and two hours later Grayson was here! She is her mother's daughter in the pain tolerance department...24 hours of labor with no pain relief before she decided to grace us with her apperance, and came here fanny first...doctor said she was telling us all to kiss her ass!)

Grayson is in my arms as I type this, and I can't even begin to express how it feels to have his tiny fingers close around mine, and seeing the sweet faces that infants make...some call it gas, I call it a gift from God. After seeing Grayson's birth, I can honestly say that I have seen love at it's finest...God's handy work is unparalleled.

It is true what they say about being a Grandparent. You see things in a totally different light. I've always heard that, but doubted it's validity. Who could have loved a child more than I did my own? But it isn't about the amount of love, or even the kind of love, it's more about the appreciation for love and the continuation of life. Seeing it from a different angle is nice. It's given new meaning to my life, that is for sure.

Everyone says Grayson looks just like Jason, and he does(which is something Lindsey prayed for)but sitting here looking at him, I can see Lindsey's lips, a chin that looks like his Uncle Jim. He has a dimple on his right cheek like his Uncle Tyler.

But if I look really close, I can see all of us, his family and the people who were in love with him before he ever arrived, we are all there in his eyes. In the same eyes that already seem to hold the wisdom he will impart to us.

Oh the things this little fella will teach us all...

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